Tag Archives: navigation

big brother navigates…or does he?

7 Jul

My, how times are changing. The days of the humble street directory are fast vanishing along with telephone books and post offices. Don’t misinterpret this as a necessarily negative thing…just a puzzling phenomenon that makes me wonder what comes next.

So… Today I had a giggle when driving through a suburban street and I passed a car with a ‘super tall’ camera strapped to its roof. As it slowly navigated lawnmowerthe narrow roadways, it was recording the street view for ‘one or another‘ satellite navigation system. How strange to think the guy mowing the lawn minus his shirt will be captured in cyberspace and pop up when anyone googles that humble household.

But  you’ve got to admit the whole ‘sat-nav’ thing is pretty amazing technology… and something that many of us have come to love….(even with those crazy cyborg voices). BUT don’t be fooled, those small talking screens don’t know everything …even when they think they do.

satnav3Last night we were weaving through the cold, dark, city streets of Sydney, when our ‘not-so-friendly’ autopilot insisted that we turn right at a no-right-turn intersection…The instructions came fast and furious to ‘make a legal U turn’ … (now YOU try THAT on Oxford Street !) …A quick whip around the block resolved the issue with no guidance other than our own sense of direction (and ‘Sally Sat-Nav’ still yelling at us).

The morals of the story are… (1) make sure you are dressed and have your lippy on when gardening…and (2) don’t blindly trust ‘Sally Sat-Nav’…you never know when she will lead you astray!

(but some of us ’50Something’ women are like that!)
